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Курёхин: вторая жизнь

1393 байта добавлено, 07:22, 25 октября 2019
Новая страница: «{{game info |название=Курёхин: вторая жизнь |автор=Автор::Куртов, Михаил |вышла=14.04.2015 |плат…»
{{game info
|название=Курёхин: вторая жизнь
|автор=[[Автор::Куртов, Михаил]]
|язык=русский, английский

Kuryokhin: Second Life is (meta)simulator of Sergey Kuryokhin's afterlife, an IF loosely based on the bio of the avantgarde composer and the legendary leader of Leningrad's cultural life in the 1980s and early 1990s. (Meta)simulator allows you to earn scores in health, knowledge and madness, while giving you opportunities to rethink the paths of the post-Soviet culture and politics. At a certain point one discovers that the unfolding story is just an attempt of media-archaeologists from the far future to reconstruct the lost simulator of Kuryokhin (hence the concept of metasimulation).

== Версии ==

* [http://collection.eliterature.org/3/works/kuryokhin/kuryokhin-russian.html Играть онлайн (русская версия)]
* [http://collection.eliterature.org/3/works/kuryokhin/kuryokhin-english.html Играть онлайн (английская версия)]
== Ссылки ==
* [http://collection.eliterature.org/3/work.html?work=kuryokhin Страница игры]
* [http://collection.eliterature.org/3/files/kuryokhin/kuryokhin-source.zip Исходники]